
Thursday, July 1, 2010


These are the 5 essential questions that I thought of for the elderly challenge:

1. How are the elderly doing now?

2. Would the elderly feel comfortable with me helping and my solution?

3. Not all elderly have physical problems, so what is the most important thing that all the elderly need and want?

4. Will the elderly really need help?

5. Do the elderly want help?

My top 3 essential questions:

1. Not all elderly have physical problems, so what is the most important thing that all the elderly need and want?

Explanation: Not all the elderly have physical problems, so how is the best way to let all the elderly and even society use my solution. I want to know what the best way to do things to impact more or all the elderly, not just the disabled elderly.

2. Would the elderly feel comfortable with me helping and my solution?

Explanation: I have this question so that I will know whether the elderly would use my solution because they might need it but do not want to use it maybe because they do not know how to use it or do not trust it, etc.

3. Do the elderly want help?

Explanation: I ask this question because if the elderly do not even want help, then what is the point of helping them?

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